
How to change font color in trados studio 2017
How to change font color in trados studio 2017

Why does my localizer need all this information? … and then let the localiser know whether or not you have succeeded in getting the job, so they can stop saving space in their schedule for it. When you will know whether you have succeeded in getting the job.Is the job a quotation or a guaranteed job?.If you work for an agency, you also need to provide this information, to be fair on the localiser The usual information on when the text will be ready and the deadline.Are there special conditions, for example, needing to fit the text to a particular length?.Is this just localisation or do you need editing services or another service like keyword insertion?.What is the topic (I once worked on a football (soccer) game’s text and spent a lot of time looking things up and asking people questions …)?.

#How to change font color in trados studio 2017 software

What format is the work in (Word, Excel, a file to open in a standard translation software programme / in a web-bases proprietary or general programme)?.Which language variant is it from / to (this means they can let you know if they don’t offer that language pair)?.Your localization service provider will need to know in advance: Not everyone can offer this, either! What does your localiser need to know in advance? Clients should expect to pay extra for combined services, as they involve the service provider concentrating on more than one service. Sometimes, localisation is combined with another skill such as editing or keyword insertion for SEO (search engine optimisation) purposes. Therefore all the advice I have given about agencies in my original article applies here, too. These will be translation or editing agencies which have clients around the world. Like translators, you should never localise out of your mother tongue into the other variant, unless you are truly bilingual.Īll of my localisation work comes through third-party agencies rather than directly.Really, you have to be experienced in the other culture and language as well as your own: I got into this because I used to work for the UK office of an American company, so was used to the differences between the languages and had written business communications in both variants.the US Department of Defense would be spelled like that, as would the World Health Organization, because those are their official titles. You have to be aware of what NOT to localise, e.g.You have to be aware, like translators, that there is sometimes only a small amount of space for the text – the localised text might need to conform to a particular character length or space, and that can be difficult as UK words are often longer than their US counterparts.You have to be open to using lots of different systems for this work: I might be presented with a document in Word, Excel, output from a translation tool in weird columns, or translation software.Sometimes the original text has errors and I might need to alert the client to those.These cultural differences can be even more wide-ranging: for example, I have been asked to localise for “all parts of the English-speaking world” and therefore having to use pretty bland and universal terms and references.Sometimes quite complicated cultural issues need to be unpicked and changed – for example references to sports that are very common in the US, even in metaphors, often don’t translate well for British readers.While -z- spellings are “allowed” in the Oxford variety of English, I have to be careful not to use this style, as my clients like to see the text “looking British”, even if they’re not expert in what that means, and that means -s- spellings all round!.It’s not just a question of changing spellings, although that’s obviously important – grammar and particularly punctuation can be very different in US and UK English.Some quick characteristics of localisation: In my case, I work from US (or other non-UK) English into UK English. For example, text written in Portugal might be localised for Brazilian Portuguese, text published in France localised into Canadian French. In brief, localisation involves turning one variant of a language into another variant of that language. I have talked about what localisation is in this article, and about careers in the area here. I’ve written about setting expectations with service providers and I’ve explained what your editor needs to know here, and transcribers here – now it’s the turn of localisation services (or localization providers).

How to change font color in trados studio 2017